How does it work?

You purchase goods directly from the source, without any extra fees. My services are completely free of charge to the buyer. All costs are covered by the supplier.


What are the terms of delivery?

All transactions are done on an FOB basis, which means the goods are located in the country of origin and the prices include container loading. The transportation costs are not included. The buyer can nominate a logistics company of their choice. If need be I’m always happy to organize the transport at no cost.


What is the processing time?

The time between the placement of an order and delivery of goods depends on the product and the logistics. Readily available goods can be dispatched within 2 weeks. For tombstones it would take around 40 days. Depending on the material and its availability there might be delays. After all, we’re dealing with natural stone and on some occasions due to quarry issues the production could be limited.


What are the payment terms?

Those depend on many factors such as the type of product, importer’s credit history, exporter’s policy etc. They are agreed upon on case-by- case basis. You can contact me for more details.


How can you guarantee the quality?

It took me 3 years to find the suppliers I’m associated with today, who are transparent , reliable and offer genuine products. For bigger volumes an inspection prior to loading can be arranged. All products are approved by the buyer before loading, based on the packing list and pictures provided. Additionally, a list of references with contact details is available upon request.


Why not do it myself?

That’s always an option! For those of you who have experience in importing I can only invite you to ask for a quote and see if I can get you a better deal or not 🙂